The past few days have been almost a blur! We've been very busy, with planned as well as unplanned things!
Sunday we celebrated mom's birthday with lunch at BD'S Mongolian Grille...if you haven't yet been there, I would highly recommend it! Later that evening everyone came over for dinner and games, and Preston (or should I say Dr. Petersen) reigned supreme in our game of "Life."
Monday Preston was off work, so we spent a big chunk of the day at the Mall, letting Sawyer play on the big boat...she had a blast! She was probably the youngest child there, but she certainly held her own! Sawyer was in such a good mood Monday and Tuesday, laughing and smiling all day... she was just a joy. Those are the kind of days that make all the not so fun times worth it!
Last night Preston and I had to attend a continuing education class for Nursery volunteers at church, so Mom and Dad came over to watch Sawyer for us. When we came home, she was still awake,(which was very unusual) and Mom said she didn't think she was feeling well. Sawyer did seem a little "whinier" than usual and her nose was running, but I just chalked it up to her being sleepy, or those last few teeth trying to come in.
I changed my mind when she woke up screaming crying just an hour after she'd fallen asleep...with a fever, and the worst cough Ive heard in a while. The poor thing, her cough was so bad it was gagging her. Preston and I were worried (to say the least) so we grabbed her bag and headed to the emergency room. After we signed in and Sawyer did her initial check-in, we went to the waiting room, which was jam-packed, and discovered that there were people there who had been waiting over 5 hours. By this time I had already been warned by the check-in nurse that it was going to be awhile because the pediatric doctor was gone for the night, but 5 hours, seriously! There was no way she could wait that long...she was exhausted. So we made a unanimous decision that we would take her home, and get her to her pediatrician first thing in the morning.
To say that last night was LONG, would be an understatement. She was up just about every hour, and I just slept on the couch so I could hear her and not have to wake Preston up...he had to be at at meeting at 6 this morning! She was miserable. I was miserably tired, and I felt so sorry for her. She was pitiful.
Luckily this morning we got in the doctor first thing, and it turned out she has a bad cold plus an ear infection. They put her on an antibiotic and told me to give her Tylenol to help with her fever and aches, and to use her humidifier to help her breath while she's sleeping. It sure did the trick, because she's been asleep for an hour and a half and she doesn't look like she'll be waking up any time soon. I'm so thankful she's able to get some rest. Her doctor said it may take a couple of weeks to get her feeling 100%, but I'm just glad it wasn't something worse.
If you think about it, please pray that Sawyer would feel better soon, and that I would be full of gentleness and patience as I care for her while she's sick.
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