Friday evening, we broke out the fingerpaint...
You should have seen her. If you've never let your child go wild with (washable, of course) fingerpaint, do it. It's fabulous.
I took her out in the back yard to create her masterpiece, because I wasnt about to let her loose indoors (not even in our unfinished basement) with that stuff...I dont care how "washable" it is.
I always said when I had a child that I was going to let them do all sorts of stimulating, sensory, messy this was part of me making good on saying that. Now, I will tell you that I am a professed neat freak, and slightly OCD...but the mess was soooo worth it. We were out in the grass anyways, so she couldnt really hurt anything.
Preston came home from work right at the end of our little project so he joined in on the fun and helped Sawyer paint her face. It was great...We will see you again soon, beloved fingerpaint.
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