Ive said before that Sawyer is truly an outdoor-girl. She would chose playing outside over just about anything, and I mean ANYTHING. Unfortunately, during the winter months here in Louisville, its much too cold to do hardly anything outside except run as fast as you can to get into your warm car. This basically translates into us being stuck inside almost every single day, and with a wild 18 month old who needs to burn off a lot of energy, indoors isn't exactly ideal. However, over the past few months we have discovered several places to go and things to do that allow Sawyer to play her little heart out. Some of our favorite places include the Chick-Fil-A indoor playground, the Big Boat at the Oxmoor mall, McDonald's indoor play-place, and as of last night (we went to a birthday party here)...the toddler area of Chuck-E-Cheese. Sometimes, though, you've just gotta break down and make your own little "playground" at home...and this morning, that's exactly what I did. I decided to take Sawyer's mattress out of her crib and make her a slide! Let me tell you, she had a ball, and I had a lot of fun myself just watching her. It's amazing how the simplest things keep toddlers entertained for HOURS.
I will definitely be utilizing my home-made slide for the next few weeks, until the warmer weather arrives. But still, there's just nothing like being outside on a beautiful day...Spring can't come soon enough for me and my little Bug.
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