Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Binkey's Make Everything Better...

The other day, on our way home, Sawyer started fussing about something (I cant rememebr what it was now). She had no desire to sit in her car seat quietly any longer...surprising, I know.
Well, I told her to stop crying because she was going to make her baby "Hannah" upset, who was at the time, sitting in her lap. We got baby Hannah a while ago, and lately, Sawyer has been taking her everywhere we go. Sure enough, a few seconds later...complete silence. I glance back, and see this. Sawyer has baby Hannah's tiny plastic Binky (which is attached to Hannah's neck) in her mouth!
I guess this wouldn't be that strange, except Sawyer's never been a "Binky-baby". I was just sure she would love her pacifier, because my parents told me that I always had on both hands, and one in my mouth. They said I just couldn't go without it. But not Sawyer...from the day she was born she would have nothing to do with it...she just wanted her thumb.
Anyhow, I know she was just pretend-playing, but I thought it was cute that she thought Hannah's Binky would make her feel better. She was did the trick!

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