Monday, December 21, 2009

Weekend Recap...And Some Other Things...

Let's see...
Friday night Preston came home with some goodies from work (the perks of having a husband who works in the food business) which included some of the most delicious boneless chicken wings Ive ever had in my life. Usually every Friday night we have pizza, followed by a red box movie after we put Sawyer to bed. We rented two movie's and ended up watching one called Nights in Rodanthe. When I saw the movie was based on a book by Nicholas Sparks, I got excited, because he wrote the book that was later turned into my favorite movie, The Notebook. Let's just say Nights in Rodanthe was NO Notebook. It was so depressing! I know my poor husband was about to die while we were watching it, and I'll be surprised if he ever lets me pick out a movie again. At least we got to spend some time just relaxing together. After the movie, we decided to go on to bed...we were both exhausted from staying up way too late almost every night last week!
Saturday morning, I went to a friends baby shower while Preston and Evan took Sawyer and Kendall to play at Incredible Dave's. The shower was great...sweet women, wonderful food, and its always so fun to watch someone open cute little baby things! I came home around noon and Preston and Sawyer came in about ten minutes later. She was exhausted, and ended up taking a three hour nap. Later that day, we dropped Sawyer off at Mom and Dads because it was DATE NIGHT!!! We went to an early dinner at Macaroni Grille and it was SO GOOD! After dinner we ended up going to a furniture store to look around because we've officially begun the search for a bedroom suite for Miss Sawyer. After the furniture hunt, we decided to go to the new Gigi's Cupcakes for dessert! Unfortunately, we when got there (at just 7:45) it was already closed! We ended up going to the always yummy Homemade Pie Kitchen for an upside down cupcake :) After dessert, we went to a friends house to visit for a while before heading back home.
We had SUCH a fun night together, and I'm already looking forward to our next date!
This week we don't have much of anything going on. Today has been very low key, just picking up the house, playing with Sawyer, and a little bit of laundry. Thursday night, we're all going to stay the night at Mom and Dad's, and as always there will be lots of food, games, and fun followed by a HUGE breakfast the next morning. I'm SO excited.
Preston is off work a few days next week because he had some vacation days he had to use before the end of the year or else he'd lose them. I think I'm going to talk him into taking me and Sawyer for a little day trip up to the Newport Aquarium. We'll see. I think the weekend after that I'm going to plan a girls friend Jordan and I have been talking about having one for a while, so I think we're going to try and make it happen.
In other news, Sawyer learned a new bible verse, Psalm 118:1, "Give Thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever." I got a really sweet video of her last week singing her new song in the tub, so I'll have to post that soon. She's precious.
I guess that's it for now...Hope everyone has a good week :)

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