We've had such a GREAT weekend!
Friday night was blissfully uneventful. Preston and I were so worn out from not getting enough sleep this past week (we can be some real night owls) so we went to bed super early...it was wonderful.
On Saturday, Preston and I got to spend the afternoon just hanging out at the house. After Sawyer got up from her nap, we took her outside to play in her pool for a little while. It started sprinkling just a little bit, but we weren't quite ready to go in yet so we decided to let her play with her sidewalk chalk on our side porch. She really went to town with it. After that, we headed out to Sam's to get a few things, plus I needed to develop some pictures. Every time I have EVER visited Sam's on a Saturday or Sunday, I promise myself I'll never do it again because its so packed, but this Saturday wasn't bad at all. I'm guessing it was because a lot of people were out of town. Sawyer found a little pink car, and she loved it so much we let her play with it for 45 minutes...I was waiting for my pictures anyways. Normally, I would say that looking around Sam's for an hour sounds pretty boring, but it was actually really nice...we weren't in any kind of hurry, and we had no where to be! When we got home that evening, Mom and Dad came over because Preston and I (really it was his idea) decided to make Philly Steak & cheese sandwiches for dinner....SO YUMMY!!! We all sat outside while Sawyer played in her pool some more...she was having too much fun. Oh, and this was too funny - Dad had his head turned talking to us, and Sawyer comes running up with this huge bowl of water from her pool and dumps every bit of it in his lap! We were ROLLING! I wish I had it on tape...his face was priceless.
Today, we unfortunately had to miss church because Preston had to work (from home) for a few hours. He could have done it this afternoon, but we were supposed to be at Mom and Dad's at one so we could celebrate my Mamaw's birthday! We had a delicious lunch, Mamaw opened her gifts, then cake. Sawyer was being a little ham (as usual) so we all got some good entertainment out of her running around being crazy. She really is just too funny. Sawyer went to bed a little early tonight, and right now Preston is on his way home from playing golf with Evan. He' stopping on the way to rent us a movie to watch. Yey :)
We have a pretty busy week coming up, so I'm glad we got to have a fun, relaxing weekend...now, I have to go water my flowers!
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