I could list hundreds of reasons why I'm convinced that staying home with Sawyer is the best career I'll ever have, but for time's sake, I list just a few...
This morning was cold and rainy, so instead of running our errands we made sheet tents, read books, and danced around the house to our new "Joyful, Joyful" CD.
I am privileged to be able to be the first person to witness every single milestone she has ever had. I love calling Preston during the day and telling him something new she's saying or doing. Its even better when she's awake, so I can put her on speakerphone and she can tell him herself :)
I know her deeply and intimately. All of her quirks, likes, dislikes, habits...every single teeny tiny thing about her.
I'm able to get things accomplished. Sawyer will happily run several errands with me, as long as I have snacks and a few books on hand, of course.
She makes me laugh (hard) every day with her hilarious-ness. I mean, I'm not even being partial...she is seriously FUNNY. There's nothing I like more than sitting with her, singing silly made-up songs at the top of our lungs, making funny faces, or trying out some new dance moves!
My husband. How does Preston make me realize how much I love my job? Because he is the one who is out working so hard every day to allow me to be here. Without EVER complaining. And this is the part I really love: Me being at home with Sawyer is every bit as important to him as it is to me. Before we ever had children, he expressed how important it was to him that I stay home with them. He is so incredibly supportive and appreciative of the work I do. It can be easy to get a little overwhelmed when you spend everyday from 7am to 8:30pm with a two year old, but he makes my life so much easier by doing his part with Sawyer. He helps me (in ever aspect) with her when he's home and he (more than willingly) gives me a break whenever I need one. He takes her out to do things by themselves, so I can have a "breather", and tells me to go out and do things by myself or with friends, which is awesome. He's just great, and I'm so thankful to have him by my side to raise Sawyer.
Because our days are filled with routine (which I like), but there are also days we can do whatever we dream up, which is fabulous!
I guess Ive just been feeling extra thankful these past few days. I know there have been times that I've taken for granted the opportunity I have to be home full time with Sawyer, and I don't want that. What a precious gift Ive been given. Lord, please keep reminding me what a truly awesome responsibility you've blessed me with!
1 comment:
I am so glad that you realize now the blessing of being home with your child(ren). Doing so when mine were young was seen as "weird", "wasting your education", "setting back the cause of women", and other such nonsense. I loved being there for the same reasons you stated and am especially glad we had that time, now that they are grown and away from home. You will never regret it. I'm glad to see Preston has matured into such a great husband and father! God is good, all the time :)
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