Sunday, February 21, 2010

Weekend Recap...

What a weekend!
Friday, I had to run a few errands and once I was finished, I decided to take Sawyer out for a treat. I'd been hearing about this neat little place called The Cupcake Shoppe, so we headed over there to try it out and...YUM!!!! I let Sawyer pick out which one she wanted, and of course she chose a pink one, which was strawberry. She devoured that thing in no time! Once we got home, as a result of her sugar high, she stripped down totally naked and ran around the house like a madwoman! Preston got home late from work, so we ordered Chinese take-out (our stove was broken) for dinner and spent the rest of the night just relaxing.
Saturday, Preston and I dropped Sawyer off at Mom and Dad's at noon because it was our DATE NIGHT!!!! We got started a little earlier than usual and went downtown to the to Center for the Arts and saw the Kentucky show. I had no idea about it, but its this little (very short) film they have every day on the hour all about Kentucky. We thought it was very cool...made me proud to be a Kentuckian! After the show we rode around for a while, looked at a few houses, and just talked. After our drive we headed home to get ready for dinner at our favorite restaurant...Bonefish Grille! We both agreed it was the BEST meal we'd had in months, and we followed it up with dessert at the Homemade Pie Kitchen. By that time, we were both stuffed so we went to Haverty's to "walk off" our dinner and look for Sawyer's bedroom suite. We think we found the one, but we're going to keep looking at a few other places this week before we decide. Later that night we came home and watched part of a movie that was on TV and then crashed...we were so tired from our long day!
Sunday we went to church, and then to lunch at Jason's Deli. When we came home Preston and Sawyer took a nap while I picked up the house, but as soon as I felt the GLORIOUS WEATHER outside, I woke Sawyer up a little early so we could go to the park! We were BOTH so EXCITED to be outside, and it made me want Spring to come even more than I did before. We played for a little over an hour and then went to the grocery while Preston stayed home and FIXED our stove!!! I'm so lucky to have married such a handy-man...he really can fix just about anything.
I hope ya'll had a great weekend...hopefully you were able to get out and enjoy the fabulous weather we had. Spring is on its way!

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