On a trip to TJ Max last week I bought Sawyer her very first tea set! When I noticed it was glass I was a tad scared, imagining it broken in tiny pieces all over the house, but it was way too adorable (and cheap) to not buy. I'm glad I got it because she LOVES it, and no broken pieces yet! We've had a tea party almost every day since I brought it home, and she's actually very careful when she plays with it...quite the proper young lady :)
Sawyer has also become a great little momma to all of her baby dolls. She feeds them, changes them, gives them medicine and sings them to sleep. She's also invented a new "game" she likes to play where she talks in this super-deep voice and says she's Dr. Church (which just so happens to be one of her pediatricians names) and go's through a list of questions with her babies to find out why they're sick. Then she proceeds to try and gently ram a tongue depressor in their mouths to check out their sore throats. SO FUNNY.
Okay, this is where the post gets really random:
-I saw something absolutely hilarious last week while waiting in line at Target. There was a woman checking out in front of me, who was at least 70 years old, and the clerk was trying to scan a greeting card she was buying. Well, the card didn't want to scan so he turned it over and on the front it said (in enormous letters) "I LUST AFTER YOUR BODY." I held back my laughter...barely. For whatever reason, seeing that that just made my day. I love the idea that an "older person" could still have such a good sense of humor and give a card like that to their husband/wife. I hope I'm like that when I'm old.
-Its been over a month since Ive been to the gym. I know, it's pathetic. But really, I'm planning on going back soon. Really. No, really...Really.
-I was reading in Acts again last night, and I came across a name that I'm now in love with. If we were ever to have another child (boy or girl,) I would give them the name Silas.
-I'm SO EXCITED...Valentines Day is Sunday!!! I know a lot of people think its a silly holiday, but Valentines has always been one of my favorites. I'll have to tell you why later, but I'll save it for another post.
I hope you all have a great weekend...I know we will!
Soooooooooooooooo....are there plans to have a little Silas? Maybe an adopted one from Rwanda?
Sorry, I just had to throw that in there. I am super excited about hanging out with your family tomorrow evening!!! Woo Hoo!!
LOL!!!! You're too funny :)
We cant wait to see you guys!
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