Monday, April 26, 2010

Last Sunday while Sawyer was napping, Preston and I cleaned up the house together, and as we cleaned, we talked. I didn't know (at the time) what prompted me to ask him this question, but I asked anyway, knowing full well I might not like the answer he was going to give me.
"If you chose to do mission work anywhere outside the country, where do you think you'd go?"
Without hesitation, he said, "Ive always had a desire to go to North Africa."
Well, that was news to me. We'd just never really discussed it before, so of course my next question was, "Why there!?!"
"Its just a different world there," he said, "Those are people who literally put their lives in danger for believing in Jesus, and yet there are some who still choose to follow Him. They could very well be killed because of they're faith. We've never experienced that here, so spreading the gospel there would be such a unique opportunity, and I'd really like to least once."
I'm foolish, and I wasn't satisfied with his answer. I told him I thought he probably just wanted to go there because it was super risky (therefore, exciting to most men,) and I didn't think he was considering the fact that he had a family that needed him!
And with a smile on his face, and in the most calm voice, he said, "So, you think God could protect me here, but he wouldn't be able to protect me there?"
Of course, that shut me up immediately. I walked away to Windex the bathroom mirror, realizing that I was putting God in a (very tiny) box by saying the things I was saying. Who in the world do I think I am? My husband is telling me he feels a calling on his life to do mission work in a particular area, and I'm basically saying he's insane, and even worse...selfish. Conviction set in quickly, and I knew that was was really the one being selfish.
Our conversation didn't go any further that day. We went on with the rest of our week as normal, and to be honest, I'd soon forgotten all about it...until yesterday morning.
We sat in church together, listening as our associate pastor giving a few announcements, and I cant think of anything else he said except this, "Today is the last day to sign up for our summer mission Trip to North Africa! There are a few spots left to fill."
Ummmm...Okay, God! I hear ya...LOUD and CLEAR!!!!
I could feel my face turning red as I looked out of the corner of my eye at Preston. I knew he'd be looking right back at me because of what we'd just heard...and I was right. We ended up having lunch with our small group later that afternoon and after we ate, Preston said he needed to talk to me alone. I had a feeling this "talk" was coming, but I was going to let him bring it up.
I must have had a "look" on my face, because he let out a laugh and said, "What is it?!? You know I want to go on this trip. But I won't call, until you tell me you're alright with it."
Without hesitation I told him I knew he should go. He lit up, and within seconds he was on the phone, setting up a time that night he could go to church and fill out his application. I don't think I'd ever been so proud of my husband. He was so sure of this, so convinced this is what God wanted him to do...and he took an enormous step of faith, and acted on it, without fear or hesitation. I know Preston will make an impact there, because he already does now, just about everywhere he goes. He has a servants heart, and Ive NEVER met anyone else in my life who has such a love for others. He's SO incredibly giving of himself...he just loves helping people, even people he doesn't even know.
On our drive home, I could feel doubt and fear creeping in again. The realization that he was going to spend a week in a closed, Muslim country, distributing bibles, surrounded be people who hate Christians caused me to become terrified. What if he didn't come back? What if he was hurt? What about the money it costs to go? What if, about a million other things??????
But then, Psalm 121 came to mind and I could feel God telling me to just trust Him! He's so much bigger than all of those "What ifs!" He'd already worked everything out, down the very last detail! He'd planned this, before it was even a thought in my mind! He was in control, not me! "Let Go, Erica," I hear Him say, "Ive got this."
As I sit here typing this, the tears are flowing...I'm just amazed by God's goodness in planning all of this out and guiding us to make this decision.
I've prayed, asking God to give me a peace about this, to protect my precious husband, and to allow me to continue to surrender to his perfect plan for my (and Preston's) life...even if that includes a trip to North Africa!
So that's it, that's our big news...and I'm so excited to be sharing it with you guys! Please be in prayer for Preston and everyone else that will be going on the trip this summer. Pray for their safety, pray that we could raise most of the money to go, and most of all, that they would be effective while spreading the good news to those who have never heard the name of Jesus or held a bible!
What a mighty God we serve! I'm so thankful for all he's done, and will continue to do...I'm always amazed to see him at work, and this situation is no exception!

Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name;
make known among the nations what he has done!
Sing to him, sing praise to him;
tell of all his wonderful acts!
Psalm 105:1-2


Unknown said...

Erica, You are amazing,and can express yourself so well.I am so proud of you and Preston.I would be worried too be God WILL protect him. You have a wonderful husband.

Grace, Hope and Joy said...

I will be praying!

Adam Holly Grace said...

It is so cool how God works! We are going to a southern part of Africa this Summer. So we understand. I will pray for all of you!