Mom and I took Sawyer to the zoo today, and we couldn't have picked a better day to go! The weather was beautiful...
Sawyer had been to the zoo once before with her Mimi and Papaw (while Preston and I were on our cruise last fall) but she was only 14 months old then, so I thought she could really enjoy it more now. We had such a blast! Now that she's a little older she's much more interested in all the different kinds of animals...she'd just sit and watch them, taking it all in. I think her favorite was probably the guerrilla's. One of the smaller guerrilla's came up right next to the the glass where Sawyer was standing and they just sat there for a while, staring at each other! It was neat. She also loved the little petting zoo they have now. She touched several of the little goats and got a super-up-close look at a huge turtle...and then we washed her hands...THOROUGHLY.
We also rode the big carousel twice...she liked it so much that once just wasn't enough! It was kind of neat because the carousel worker guy was telling me how that carousel was made in 1919 in Philadelphia (I think), and they brought here to Louisville in 1996. I thought it was crazy that it was almost a hundred years old and still running!
Before we left, Mimi treated us to Dippin Dots, which is always yummy. Bless her heart, Sawyer was so worn out by the time we left that she could barely keep her eyes open on the ride home!
She took a good long nap, and when she woke up we headed to Toys-R-Us in search of a new pool! Long story short...the other one we got her popped (totally my fault) and we couldn't go the rest of the summer without one! We actually ended up staying at Toys-R-Us for over an hour because they had about twenty little cars setting out in the middle of the store on display, and Sawyer couldn't get enough. I thought it was pretty funny that they actually make little pink Escalades for toddlers to ride around in. After trying out every single car, we finally found a pool that has a tiny slide on it, and she loves it. We blew it up for her tonight and she had so much fun!
Tomorrow is supposed to be another nice day, so we'll probably be spending the majority of it outside again...I'm trying to spend as much time as possible outdoors before it gets too hot again!